GeometrizeTwitterBot  1.0
Python Twitter bot for geometrizing images into geometric primitives
Namespaces | Functions | Variables File Reference


 Module that sets up the Geometrize Twitter bot.


def bot.on_connect (api)
 Callback triggered when the stream listener connects. More...
def bot.on_timeout (api)
 Callback triggered when the stream listener times out. More...
def bot.on_error (api, code)
 Callback triggered when the listener encounters an error. More...
def bot.on_on_demand_status_event (api, status)
 Callback triggered when the stream listener for the Geometrize bot account reports a status event. More...
def bot.on_account_watcher_status_event (api, status)
 Callback triggered when the stream listener for tracking specific Twitter accounts reports a status event. More...
def bot.on_on_demand_filter_setup (stream)
 Callback triggered when setting up the stream filter for tracking the Geometrize bot account. More...
def bot.on_account_watcher_filter_setup (stream)
 Callback triggered when setting up the stream filter for tracking specific Twitter accounts. More...


 bot.tweepy_auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(config.OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY, config.OAUTH_CONSUMER_SECRET)
 bot.tweepy_api = tweepy.API(tweepy_auth)